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15 of the Best Business Books for More Success

Best Business Books

Here are a few of the best business books recommended to me at one time or another along my own journey that could also help you either start or grow your business.

At any point along your business journey, whether you’re just starting out or have been in the game for a while, it’s good to have some helpful advice. 

Books are a great way to get that advice.

In this article, I will share 15 of the best business books to read and some advice from each of them. 

Then you can choose which to add to your book collection and start reading today.

15 of the Best Business Books to Help You Grow Your Business

15 of the Best Business Books

These are in no particular order. They are all worthwhile reads. 

Dotcom Secrets Trilogy Are Some of the Best Business Books

These books by Russell Brunson are hands down some of the best business and marketing books available. 

To get the full picture, you need to read and implement each book. They cover exactly what to do to start and grow a business…any business. 

And they go a step further…

They take the approach of how to do this in order to make an impact in the lives of your clients, customers, or audience…

To have a purpose and do something to make the world a better place.

Check out my articles about each one:

Dotcom Secrets Book

Dotcom Secrets

Expert Secrets

Traffic Secrets

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

This was the first ‘business’ book I ever read and it changed how I thought about money.

That’s when the entrepreneur bug bit me and I’ve never been the same since. 

This book by Robert T. Kiyosaki is about the difference in how the rich think of money and how the poor think of money.

It’s one of the best books on money.

4-Hour Workweek Is Definitely One of the Best Business Books

This book by Tim Ferriss is also one of the first books I read about business. 

It changed the way I think and approach my business.

Tim talks about how to escape the 9-5, travel the world, outsource work, and work less than most people. 

He went from 80-hour work weeks making $40k per year to 4-hour work weeks making $40k per month.

Tim knows what he’s talking about.

The 10X Rule

Grant Cardone takes the opposite approach from Tim Ferriss in this book.

He talks about how to 10x your business through effort. 

There is merit in what he says, even if it’s not the most exciting. 

In this book, Cardone talks about how to dissolve fear, increase your belief in yourself, kick procrastination to the curb, and gain a sense of purpose…

All through taking action.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich

I Will Teach You to Be Rich

This six-week program by Ramit Sethi goes deep into how to become rich. 

He talks about choosing the right banks, credit cards, investing, spending intentionally, retirement, and so much more.

It contains info about money, business, and psychology.

Think and Grow Rich Is One of the Best Business Books

Considered one of the classic books every entrepreneur should read, this book was written by Napoleon Hill in 1937.

What he says in this book is still applicable today and is one of the most important financial books ever written. 

Hill talks about how we think affects how much money we get or don’t get and how to use your thoughts to get what you want.

The Millionaire Next Door

Who are the rich? How do you spot them?

This book talks about how most millionaires are just ordinary people living in your neighborhood or one like it. 

Written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, this book is about how the rich really live and how they got rich to begin with. It’s a blueprint for becoming wealthy. 

Millionaire Success Habits

Dean Graziosi is one of the best marketers today. 

In his book, he talks about the habits required to become a millionaire, the things he himself did to get to that level.

In following the plan he lays out in his book, millionaire status will come faster according to him. 

He talks about how changing habits don’t have to be difficult and walks the reader through how to use the methods in the book to simplify the process and discover massive abundance and fulfillment. 

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

This book by Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of the most impactful books I have ever read. 

It dives deep into how our brains work and how to change them in order to achieve goals, change our lives, and make a difference going forward.

Most of what holds us back is our own minds. 

Dr. Dispenza explains neuroscience in a simple way and clears the air on what to do to change our brains and ultimately our lives.

The One Thing

Want extraordinary results?

If so, this book by Gary Keller is a must-read.

In it, you’ll discover how to clear out clutter, get rid of overwhelm, get desired results in less time, and so much more.

It’s a great book that can be applied to business, family, personal, spiritual, or any other aspect of life.

The Irresistible Offer

Why do people buy? Because they have been sold. 

This book by Mark Joyner (one of Russell Brunson’s mentors) shows how to sell your product or service in 3 seconds or less. 

And that’s really all you have…

Several years ago, you’d have about 20 minutes to sell someone on something. 

A handful of years ago, you’d only have about 9 seconds. 

And today, you’ve only got about 3 seconds to capture their attention. 

This book teaches you how to do that. 

The Dream 100 Book

The idea for this book was born from the book The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes.

But Dana Derricks took it and went deep on the concept of how to build and use your dream 100 to grow your business. 

Your dream 100 is a list of people you want to do business with or be mentored from. 

It’s your dream client or customer, your dream people to work and partner with.

Dana explains in his book that we don’t make it to the top alone, that we need the help of others in order to get there.

The Dream 100 is the approach to intentionally work and partner with those of your choosing to take your business to unattainable heights on your own.

It’s a must-read for any serious business owner.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

The Millionaire Mind

In this book, T. Harv Eker talks about our ‘money and success blueprint’, the way our subconscious thinks about money and success and how we can change that blueprint to have more.

He walks you through how to reset your blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

Bonus – a Few More of the Best Business Books

Atomic Habits

There are a lot of theories about how to change habits. However, James Clear gives various examples and facts about how to really change habits in this book. 

He gets to the core of it: our identity.

Our identities determine how we think which affects what we do. 

By changing our identities, we can then change our habits.

James Clear walks you through how to do that.

Getting Unstuck

This book was written by my friend Kathy Hadley and was published posthumously by her husband.

Kathy was able to help thousands of clients and friends remove the blocks to their success. She wrote this book to share how she did it and was preparing to publish it when she suddenly passed away.

It’s more than sheer luck that we have this book; it’s something the world needs

I don’t want to give too much away, but this book helps you recognize 12 unconscious blocks that contribute to blocking your success. 

Get your copy here.

The E Myth Revisited

This book by Michael E. Gerber is one of the most important books for small businesses. 

It talks about why businesses fail and what to do about it. 

He goes into what exactly to do in order to create and build a business that works.

It’s in more of a story format with two people talking, one who is successful that’s helping the other who is a struggling business person.

A good read with applicable strategies for any business.

In a Nutshell

Books to Read

Truthfully, I could have made this list much, much longer of some of the best business books. 

I have at least a few hundred books I’ve either read (most) or have on my shelf ready to read (a few) that would be good enough to share in this article.

But this list of some of the best business books should be a great start for anyone wanting to either start or level up their business. 

Happy reading!

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